Ryzen has a stuttering problem
Published in PC Hardware

Windows 10 and Windows 11

AMD’s Ryzen chips are apparently suffering from a stuttering problem in Windows 10 and 11.

Intel asks motherboard makers to stop using DDR4
Published in PC Hardware

At least with its nice new 700-series chipsets

Chipzilla is asking its motherboard partners to stop using DDR4 in combination with the upcoming 700-series chipsets.

M1 Mac Mini is much bigger than it needs to be
Published in PC Hardware

M1 Mac Mini is mostly hot air due to designer laziness

Fruity Cargo Cult Apple might have missed a trick when it came to designing its over-hyped M1 Mac Mini – it designed it far too big.

Intel releases 12th Gen Alder Lake chips for cheaper laptops
Published in PC Hardware

20 chip range

Intel has launched the rest of its Alder Lake laptop chips – the P-series and U-series models which are for thinner, lighter, and cheaper laptops.

Intel p-p-picks up a penguin
Published in PC Hardware

Acquired Linutronix

Chipzilla has written a cheque for Linutronix to ramp up its investment in Linux/open-source engineering.