iOS 9 screen freezes continue
Published in Mobiles

Older phones suffer despite updates

It would appear that iOS9 was all about forcing users of old iPhone5s to upgrade to something more pointless and expensive.

Samsung Mongoose SoC is a good performer
Published in Mobiles

GeekBench score leaked

Leaks are dangerous as they are sometimes fake.  But if this one is true, it looks like Samsung has guns to match the Snapdragon 820 or the MediaTek Helios X20 high end processors. 

Qualcomm comes up with LTE modem chip for Microsoft
Published in Mobiles

Windows 10 ready

Qualcomm has continued its friendship with Microsoft by extending its latest LTE-Advanced modem, the X12, to Windows 10 notebooks and tablets.

Sony gives smartphones a year
Published in Mobiles

CEO threatens to pack it in

Sony is going to give its smartphone division a year to make money or it will shut it down.

Manufactures start phasing out "Game Changing " tablets
Published in Mobiles

Ancient Babylonian tablets lasted longer 

Demand for Tablets is getting so weak that more chip suppliers to phase out their tablet-IC businesses.