EU global roaming slashed by 75 per cent
Published in Mobiles

If UK leaves EU they will have to pay more

The European Union cut roaming rates by as much as 75 per cent. The new roaming rates will apply to all phones users until June of next year when they will be completely abolished.

India tells Apple to go away
Published in Mobiles

As one market shuts, another market closes

Apple's bid to replace its Chinese market with India has received a swift kick in the nadgers from the Indian government.

Apple really is not changing iPhone
Published in Mobiles

Looks like even cordless headphones have been abandoned

One of the few “innovations” that Apple was supposed to stick under the bonnet of its iPhone 7 was a move to wi-fi headphones which would allow the phone to get thinner.

Tablet sales dead
Published in Mobiles
29 April 2016

Tablet sales dead

The death of the "game changer"

There more evidence that tablets were never the game-changer that Steve Jobs tried to peddle them as, and were just the keyboardless netbooks we said they were. 

CNN launches data-driven "Politics" mobile app
Published in Mobiles

iOS-only launch may cause CNN user frustrations

With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Scalia in February, the indirect enabling of illegal alien voters to participate in primaries, and the possibility of contested party conventions later this summer, the 2016 United States presidential election has now become the most significant election since 1932.