Samsung sticks with heat pipes
Published in News
Friday, 17 November 2017 12:23

Samsung sticks with heat pipes

A baggepype wel coude he blowe and sowne, And ther-with-al he broghte us out of towne.

Despite rumours, it looks like Samsung Electronics is going to keep using heat pipes in its designs.

Heat-pipes in smartphones could be the next big thing
Published in Mobiles

Ye can hear the sound of the pipes a calling

When Samsung adopted heat-pipes for its Galaxy S7-series, it might have kicked off a new trend in the smartphone industry.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 10:06

Slimmer PS3 said to be in development

playstation logo new

Smaller & cheaper likely means price cut

dice logo

Could be what DICE is planning to show with EA at E3