Volish customers have shedloads of exposed data
Published in Cloud

Vulnerability in Cosmos database

Software king of the world Microsoft warned thousands of its cloud computing customers, including some of the world's largest companies, that intruders could have the ability to read, change or even delete their main databases.

Apple’s iCloud security turned over again
Published in Cloud

And it was not even aware of it

While the fruity cargo cult Apple was trying to reassure stuff that its attempts to scan users iClouds for kiddie porn were totally safe, a bloke in Los Angeles was harvesting an all you can eat buffet of user porn under its nose.

Microsoft wants to catch pirates with blockchain
Published in Cloud

Ooo ahh it be Argus

A new paper (PDF) published by Microsoft's research department proposes to tackle piracy with a blockchain-based bounty system titled "Argus".

Microsoft acquires CloudKnox
Published in Cloud

Expanding security business

Software King of the World Microsoft has written a check for a cloud security start-up CloudKnox.

Windows goes cloudy
Published in Cloud

Access Cloud PCs from anywhere

Software King of the World Microsoft is putting its operating system in the cloud.