Amazon blames Trump for Jedi loss
Published in Cloud

"Named must be your fear before banish it you can"

Amazon accused US President Donald Trump of exerting “improper pressure” and bias that led the Department of Defense to award a lucrative $10 billion cloud contract to Microsoft.

EU not a fan of digial currency
Published in Cloud

Libra ban likely

Private digital currencies like Facebook’s Libra should not be allowed in the European Union until the risks they could pose are clearly addressed, EU finance ministers agreed.

Kubernetes continues to shine
Published in Cloud

2020 will see it outperform app platforms

Kubernetes threatens to outshine app platforms players’ dominance in app modernisation in 2020, according to beancounters at GlobalData.

Icloud was hacked by Dutch city councillor
Published in Cloud

Apple's security so good even a b list politician could turn it over

"Dutch prosecutors have asked a judge for a three-year prison sentence for a local politician who hacked and breached the personal iCloud accounts of more than 100 women.

IT managers keen on being green
Published in Cloud

New research

Leading IT professionals are embracing the need to be more environmentally aware, and as a result expect other companies to be more socially and environmentally responsible.