Nintendo tries to bury dead pixels scandal
Published in Gaming

Death comes to everyone

Nintendo has been doing its best to see off stories that its new Switch portable console is blighted with dead pixels.

Nintendo Switch can’t save back-ups
Published in Gaming

All your saved games could be lost to history

The new Nintendo Switch will not allow you to backup the save files for Nintendo Switch games.

Nintendo has a “surprise” shortage of Switches
Published in Gaming

Well we were not surprised 

We had a theory that Nintendo would manage to stuff up the launch of its Switch console.

Apple steered boat crashes into ferry
Published in Gaming

Captain thought he could run on Apple Maps and an iPad

It is a while since we have had a story about an Apple fanboy who relied entirely on Apple Maps and ended up getting lost. But this guy was dumb enough to use his iPad to do his course navigation on his boat.

Microsoft announces Xbox Game Pass service
Published in Gaming

Bringing Netflix-style subscription to Xbox One

Microsoft has just made the Xbox One console a bit more interesting by announcing a new subscription service called the Xbox Game Pass, which will give access to over 100 games for US $9.99 a month, when it launches later this spring.