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Qualcomm wants its new chips in PCs
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Today laptops, tomorrow the world

Qualcomm has confirmed that while Snapdragon X Plus or X Elite chips have been headed towards laptops that is just part one of its cunning plan.  

Boeing's Starliner soars
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But helium leaks no laughing matter

Boeing's Starliner has successfully launched into space after a series of setbacks and carried two brave NASA astronauts to the International Space Station from Florida. 

RISC-V is riskier than the Chinese thought
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Might not be a way around chip restrictions after all

A Chinese research team has brought to light a significant security flaw in processor design, a discovery that could potentially disrupt China's thriving domestic chip industry.

Nvidia is now worth $3 trillion
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Worth more than Apple

Nvidia's shares rose five per cent to close at $1,224.40, pushing the company's market value over $3 trillion for the first time. This surge reflects investors' eagerness to invest in a company central to the generative artificial intelligence revolution.

Musk’s Starlink practically destroyed remote Amazon tribe’s culture
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Addicted to p*rn and social notworking while they starve

An isolated Indigenous tribe in the Amazon have gained high-speed internet access through Elon Musk's Starlink service, at the cost of drastically altering their traditional way of life.