Chinese use AI to test party loyalty
Published in AI

If they used it in Italy it would explode 

Chinese researchers claim to have developed artificial intelligence they say can read the minds of Communist Party members and make them more receptive to “thought education”.

Russians give dancing robot dog a gun
Published in AI

It is the Amercian way

A Twitter video has been released showing a Boston Dynamics-style robot dog firing a submachine gun into targets.

Bionic leg is finally here
Published in AI

We can rebuild him, we have the mechano set and the PVA glue 

California startup Cionic and Yves Béhar's design studio Fuseproject claims to have developed a bionic wearable that uses electric pulses and artificial intelligence to correct muscle movements in people with limited mobility.

Nvidia moves AI closer to the Edge
Published in AI

Fleet Command gets new features

A  year after the company launched Fleet Command, a cloud-based service for deploying, managing, and scaling AI applications at the edge, Nvidia ahs launched new features that help address the distance between these servers by improving the management of edge AI deployments.

China building AI-powered satellite killers
Published in AI

What could possibly go wrong?

Chinese scientists have come up with a way of launchings of AI-powered cubesats – from a large mothership in space to take out other countries satellites.