Arm releases latest CPU and GPU designs
Published in Mobiles

Including the "most performant and efficient GPU" to date

Arm has unveiled its latest CPU and GPU designs for top-tier smartphones: the Cortex-X925 CPU and Immortalis G925 GPU.

French AI releases coding program
Published in AI

A computer that can write code

Mistral, the French AI startup supported by Microsoft and valued at €6 billion, has unveiled its inaugural generative AI model for coding, named Codestral.

Nothing Phone (2a) Special Edition comes with colored accents
Published in Mobiles

Transparent design with a touch of colors

Nothing has officially announced the Nothing Phone (2a) which the company has been teasing for a few days, showing the same transparent version of the Nothing Phone (2a) with some colored accents.

Apple starts sending WWDC 2024 invites
Published in News

iOS 18 with heavy focus on AI

Apple has sent out invites for its annual developers conference (WWDC) scheduled for June 10. The event will be held at Apple Park and will be all about iOS 18 and its heavy focus on AI

China’s top chip makers trying to localise supply
Published in News

Counting the US export controls

China’s top chipmakers are intensifying efforts to localise the supply of essential semiconductor materials and chemicals to counteract US export controls.

Malaysia wants to raise billions for chip industry
Published in News

Neutral ground between China and the US

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said he wants to attract €500 billion in investment in the semiconductor industry.

Chinese give a robot dog a gun
Published in News

What could possibly go wrong?

During recent military exercises with Cambodia, China's military showed off a robot dog with an automatic rifle affixed to its back.

TSMC is on track for 2nm in 2025
Published in News

Tame Apple Press rejoices

TSMC claims it is on track to build its 2nm node, the firm’s VP of Process Development, Zhang Xiaogang, said.

Users shunning Macs
Published in PC Hardware

Apple losing market share to proper laptops from Dell and HP

Fruity cargo cult Apple is losing the PC race with Dell and HP PCs.

Nvidia chips might have ARM doing the processing
Published in PC Hardware

Off-the-shelf ARM Cortex X5 cores

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn that says Nvidia is using off-the-shelf ARM Cortex X5 cores to process its 2025 chip, all packed in along shiny new Blackwell GPU cores.