Published in AI

More iPad reviewers turn in their kit

by on21 May 2010


And they said it would never happen

For a
while we have been saying that the iPad is a toy which really has not got a function, now it seems that some of the early adopters are agreeing with us.

The latest is MSNBC's  Josh Belzman  who has gone on record saying that while the gear is beautiful, it is useless. After a week of owning the beast he gave up and resold his iPad after realising Apple already made the more useful and ergonomic iPhone.

“The iPad is unwieldy eye candy. It's an aluminum- and glass-wrapped homewrecker. Just two days with it led me to appreciate my lowly laptop and undersized smartphone more, and Apple's design sense less,” he said.

Apple fanboys have of course claimed Belzman's piece was a Microsoft hatchet job, but Belzman is one of them who lovingly uses an entire Apple shop – other than an iPad (now). We predicted that the iPad would sell to Apple fanboys first and then perhaps a few ordinary users might fall for it. 

Sales have taken off but how much this can be sustained is still unknown. The iPad might be going to those who would otherwise buy an iPod Touch, but really the beast has no earthly use. There will be other Belzman's trying to flog their gear on Ebay.
Last modified on 21 May 2010
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