Published in Gaming

Playstation 3 not selling great

by on23 March 2007
Retail stores still have them

Walking in Saturn shop in central Vienna resulted with finding a Playstation 3 in stock, and I didnt even had to pre order.

I could just walk there and buy one and a bunch of games and accessories were there. It would cost me at least €600 for a console and about €60 for a game but I decided to skip it as I don't need one more PC in the house.

It took me three weeks to get Nintendo Wii and it was week till you could get the XboX 360 Premium or standard. I guess even Sony now realises that € 600 for a console is just too much and I would not hesitate to buy it for about €350 and I don’t see any value in Blu-ray player that you get in console simply as Playstation 3 is not that quiet.  

Once will give it a try, the graphic looks good but today that is just not enough to push me to buy a console.



Last modified on 29 March 2007
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