Samsung teases second-generation AI chip
Published in AI

AI Reaches Mach 2

Tech titan Samsung is stirring up a silicon storm with whispers of a new AI. CEO Kyung Kye-hyun, has let slip that the Mach-1's big brother, the Mach-2, is on the fast track to tech stardom.

British nuclear power plant in hot water over security blunders
Published in News

Potential digital doomsday

The British Sellafield nuclear power plant is facing the music for a catalogue of cyber clangers that could have left the UK's atomic knickers in a twist.

Open sauce outrage
Published in News
29 March 2024

Open sauce outrage

Tech giants' greedy grasp turns free code into cash cows

Writing for ComputerWorld the open source guru Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has exposed some cheeky companies that are turning the open source community's hard work into their own gold-lined pockets.

AI overlords to rule the roost in US
Published in AI

A new job for an IT manager

The White House has declared it's time to get a grip on the AI beast and is rolling out the red carpet for a new breed of boffins: Chief AI Officers.

Apple engineer accused of spilling tech secrets to press
Published in News

Apple black shirts swoop

The Fruity cargo cult Apple,  has dragged its former minion, Andrew Aude, to court, accusing him of blabbing about more than a handful of the company's secrets.

Daft tech smuggler caught at customs
Published in Graphics

We don't think you did your sums correctly on this one

In what's surely one of the daftest capers on record, a chap was nabbed trying to ferry 44 AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics cards into China.

Kaby Lake-G platform arises from the dead
Published in PC Hardware

Chipzilla's zombie chip invoked for mini-PC motherboard

Kaby Lake-G, the Intel CPU that incorporated an AMD GPU directly into the CPU package, was declared dead in 2019, yet this hasn't deterred a a plucky company's bringing it back from the dead and plonked it into a mini PC motherboard.

Fujitsu's wants €1.52 billion in UK government contracts
Published in News

While showing contrition for jailing Postmasters

Fujitsu's been caught red-handed with plans to snatch up a whopping €1.52 billion in UK government contracts. Despite swearing off new bids in the wake of the Post Office fiasco, they're back at it, eyeing €936 million for public sector deals and €585 million for top-secret national security gigs.

Microsoft’s new era of AI PCs will need a Copilot key, says Intel
Published in News

Grand alliance of Volish AI plans

Industry giants Chipzilla, Vole, Qualcomm, and AMD are spearheading the charge towards the futuristic 'AI PC', which could lead to a Copilot key appearing on all PCs.

ChatGPT craze sweeping the US
Published in AI

Just not talking to it about the election

ChatGPT has been on the scene for over a year, taking the USA by storm.