Chip industry set to boom this year  
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Driven by AI development with TSMC Wei ahead

TSMC new supremo C C Wei has reaffirmed expectations for artificial intelligence (AI) development to drive this year's industry recovery.

Intel will make memory upgrades impossible
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Hardwired into the SoC

Proving that it wants to put the environment over profit, Chipzilla will make it impossible to upgrade memory, meaning more machines will have to be junked.

Intel shows off new AI chip for servers
Published in Network

Computex 2024: Expects to match Nvidia and AMD

US chipmaker Intel announced new artificial intelligence chips for data centres as it seeks to challenge rivals Nvidia and AMD.

Arm claims it will have half the PC market in five years
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Easier when you have abs not fabs

Arm Holdings is set to capture over 50 per cent of the Windows PC market within five years.

Movie studios will move to AI for economic reasons
Published in AI

It costs too much to make movies

The head of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), Tony Vinciquerra, has praised AI, saying that he values its economic benefits.

Google will hang onto your phone
Published in Mobiles

If you repair it with third-party parts

Once you start repairing your Google phone with third-party parts, you will have to keep doing it, or the search engine company will take it back, and you will never see it again.

MSI releases three new server platforms
Published in Network

Intel inside 

MSI lifted the kimono on its latest Intel Xeon 6 processor-based server platforms at Computex 2024 in Taipei, yesterday.

AMD introduces two new Ryzen 5000XT processors for AM4 socket
Published in PC Hardware

Computex 2024: Keeping the 8-year-old socket alive

In addition to the new Zen parts and the Ryzen 9000 series processors, AMD has also announced two new Zen 3 Ryzen 5000 SKUs for the now 8-year-old socket AM4, the Ryzen 9 5900XT and the Ryzen 7 5800XT, both launching next month.

AMD goes full on Zen 5 at Computex 2024
Published in PC Hardware

Computex 2024: Ryzen 9000 desktop and Ryzen AI 300 series mobile processors

During its Computex 2024 keynote, AMD went full on Zen 5, unveiling its new Ryzen 9000 series desktop and new Ryzen AI 300 series mobile processors, among other things, showing what to expect in near future and heavily focusing on AI, of course.

Japanese ceramics maker is making a fortune out of AI
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No one else raimens 

A 200 year old ceramics maker is turning out to be a big winner in the chip making business.