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Modern Warfare developers leave

by on19 April 2010


Could be the end

While the court battle between the inventors of Modern Warfare 2 and the outfit which bought it Activision continues, developers are leaving Infinity Ward as fast as they can clean their desks.

Activision fired Infinity Ward studio head Vince Zampella and game director Jason West in March for trying to set up a rival company with EA Games. West and Zampella have now formed their company and now lead designers Steve Fukuda and Zied Rieke have both tendered their resignations.

Fukuda and Rieke were the only two remaining design leads on Modern Warfare 2. Last week, multiplayer lead designer Todd Aldermann revealed his departure from the studio. Aldermann was joined by fellow design lead Mackey McCandlish earlier this week.

Lead environment artist Chris Cherubini and programmer Rayme Vinson have also both departed. Other senior-level employees, including software engineer lead Francesco Gigliotti, senior animator Bruce Ferriz, and programmer Jon Shiring have also gone.

Activision has said that it will reallocate Modern Warfare 2 bonuses previously intended for West and Zampella to "those employees responsible for the success of the game who remain employees of the company." That particular bribe does not seem to be holding many employees as disbursal will only come if Activision prevails in its counterclaim against West and Zampella's initial $36 million suit against the company. That could take years to sort out.

None of the aforementioned developers indicated whether they would be joining West and Zampella at their newly formed studio Respawn Entertainment. It is not clear where this will leave the Modern Warfare game or if Activision can find enough talent to pull a new one together.

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