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Apple starts purge of iPhone applications

by on22 February 2010


Puritan book burning

The already
squeaky clean iPhone application store is facing another purge to remove risqué applications. An inquisition launched by puritans within Apple has ordered the purge of anything remotely sexual including bikini models.

Apple claims that the apps contain "overtly sexual content" however so far the only place in the world where bikinis are considered sexual is Saudi Arabia and parts of Utah. An official Apple statement said that "these apps contain inappropriate material, we remove them and request the developer make any necessary changes in order to be distributed by Apple." Bikinis? Please next it will be women's ankles.

Apparently the move is part of Apple's attempt to clean up the App Store ahead of the shipping late next month of its new iPad keyboardless netbook. Apple intends to promote as a device for families and schools which means adopting right wing puritan values that were out of place in the 19th century. 

The tame Apple press such as the New York Times is claiming that the move is smart.  However history says that no censorship is ever smart. Still that is just another reason that no one sensible will want to buy one.
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