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Jobs claims Flash is a CPU hog

by on19 February 2010


iPad's meek CPU not to blame

Apple messiah
Steve Jobs has launched another cheap verbal assault against graphics outfit Adobe. Jobs recently accused Adobe infidels of being lazy and offering lousy software, unbecoming an iPhone.

Talking to The Wall Street Journal, Jobs said that Adobe's Flash video player was a CPU hog. Of course, he did not stop there, saying Apple doesn't waste energy on old technology rife with security holes. He went on to compare Flash with floppy drives and other obsolescent standards.

Jobs reportedly said that using Flash on the iPad would cut its battery life from 10 to just one and a half hours. Actually this could be true. Most consumers will buy the iPad to do absolutely nothing other than to look nice, hence its batteries could last for hours.

Using its CPU for something that can't even be considered demanding by smartphone standards, such as Flash, seems to be blasphemy in the Apple religion. Jobs' toys are supposed to look good and users shouldn't strain their CPUs trying to actually make them do something.

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