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iPhone Pepsi girl puller pulled

by on23 October 2009


A bit sexist

Fizzy black
stuff maker Pepsi pulled an iPhone application designed to help virgin iPhone users get a date with a girl.

Dubbed "AMP UP Before You Score" the application provided pick-up lines and other charming tools to seduce a "wide" variety of female stereotypes. You would pick the stereotypes closest to your date – the geek, the cougar, the athlete and the women's studies major and the gadget will give you tips. It also has a "Brag" feature which encourages users to "include the name, date, and whatever details you remember" about successful or failed dates. (Why do I get the feeling that this feature was never actually used? sub.ed.)

Pepsi announced today that it will remove the application after it received heated criticism for stereotyping women, according to the Associated Press. Looking at the answers that the phone gave they are not so much sexist as really really pants. Anyone who suggests them would be ranked slightly below something their date stepped in on the way to the restaurant.

PepsiCo, however, reportedly said in a statement that discontinuing the application was the "most appropriate course of action" after "listening to a variety of audiences."
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