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Titanic director signs up to promote 3D TV

by on24 August 2009


He's here and there's nothing to fear...

Titanic director
James Cameron has signed up to promote Panasonic's new 3D TVs. The deal is a part of a cunning plan between Cameron and Twentieth Century Fox Film to peddle Cameron's Avatar flick which is shot entirely in 3D.

Cameron developed a new computer-controlled 3D camera system for the movie. Panasonic is making a big push to get consumers excited about three-dimensional viewing in the home. The technology it is pushing requires punters to wear silly glasses to experience the 3D effect and use a Blu-ray player.

Panasonic is planning to start selling 3D TVs next year however it is that it has not said how much 3D TVs will cost. One of Panasonic's biggest problem is 3D content as there are no standards and while movie studios have shown some interest they do not want to realise content on a format that punters are not using.

Cameron said on video that 3D is how we will experience movies, gaming and computing in the near future. 3D is not something you watch. It's a reality you feel you could step into.

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