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Politicians call for Yahoo - Microsoft deal investigation

by on10 August 2009


Google has powerful friends

Proof that
Google has friends in high places has emerged after some leading democrats called for an investigation into the Yahoo-Microsoft deal.

Google currently attracts some 65 per cent of search traffic, compared with less than 30% for Microsoft and Yahoo combined. Yet mysteriously some top politicians don't want Google to be matched by a glorious Microsoft-Yahoo alliance Herb Kohl, the Wisconsin Democrat who chairs the Senate subcommittee on antitrust, said that the deal “warrants our careful scrutiny.”

Why would this be? Surely such politicians would be interested in killing off an overly dominant No. 1 player, why block the creation of a stronger No. 2? In public Google has said that it welcomes the competition and has not made any formal anti-trust complaints.

However it does have a strong presence in Washington with the Obama administration and has a big influence on the White House's thinking on technology. It is fair to say that word on the street is that it is letting these links do the talking.

Why appear evil when you can make the other side looking like they are playing monopoly?

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