Published in Mobiles

EU close to ordering Apple to have easier battery repairs

by on19 June 2023

Will also require it to “walk its talk” on green recycling

The Tame Apple Press is furious as it discovers that the European Union is moving closer to enacting a law that will not just require smartphones like the iPhone to have easier battery repairs, but will tell it how much of a battery must be reclaimable after recycling.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have approved an agreement made with the Council to revamp European Union regulations about batteries and waste. The legislation represents the most recent endeavour within the "Right to Repair" movement, compelling companies to manufacture their products to make it easy for do-it-yourself repairs.

While it will cause headaches to some phone manufacturers it will really do some damage to the fruity cargo cult.  It will require companies to meet a compulsory carbon footprint declaration and have a label for certain types of batteries.  Some batteries will be required to have “passports” so that their recycling can be tracked.

Batteries will have to be portable batteries so consumers can easily remove and replace them and there will be stricter waste collection targets for portable and LMT batteries.

Each battery will have minimum levels of materials recovered and new batteries will have to contain higher levels of recycled content.

All this will have to happen by later this year which will also mess with Jobs’ Mob’s head.

Te EU aims to achieve a minimum recycling threshold of 95 per cent for materials derived from waste batteries by the year 2031.

But the Tame Apple Press says that their favourite company will not take the law lying down and will continue to fight for phones which are only supposed to last a year and only be fixed for a huge amount of cash by its own repair people.

They say that  Apple has established an official Self Repair Program, offering individuals access to parts and tools necessary for repairing their devices, including battery replacements. True it is expensive but at least it means that they will still need a new phone in a years time.

As for the planet?  Apple has lots of green programmes including solar power to provide itself with free power for its datacentres. It does not need to do anything else which will not save it money.


Last modified on 19 June 2023
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