AMD releases Radeon Software 19.7.4 to fix GTA V bug
Still speeds up fans in idle on RX 5700 series
AMD has released its latest Radeon Software 19.7.4 driver which should fix bugs in the GTA V game on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics cards, but it does not revert back to lower idle fan speeds on the same graphics cards.

Nvidia GTX 980 SLI setup used for demo system
Nvidia has announced that Rockstar's highly anticipated PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is running great on Nvidia hardware and will support two important GameWorks technologies.

Rockstar's GTA V joins AMD Gaming Evolved program
Updated: Has Gaming Evolved features
Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V for PC has finally launched, and AMD has announced that the game is part of its Gaming Evolved program.

AMD releases Catalyst 14.5 Beta drivers
Optimizations and Crossfire profile for GTA V
Following the launch of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V for PC, AMD has released its newest Catalyst 15.4 Beta drivers with all the game-specific optimizations as well as Crossfire profiles for that game.

Nvidia release Geforce 350.12 WHQL driver
Game-ready driver for GTA V
Nvidia has released its latest WHQL-certified Geforce driver, which is also a Game Ready driver for the highly anticipated PC version of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V game.

GTA V for PC delayed, coming in April
Consoles get Online Heists next month
Bad news for all fans of blood, petrol and adrenaline – Rockstar has delayed the launch of Grand Theft Auto V for PC yet again.

45+ million sold for GTA 5
Only 10 million of those on Xbox One & PS4 consoles
When we talk about impressive sales numbers they are in the millions. When we talk about the sales of the big titles it in the tens of millions.
Rockstar confirms GTA 5 X1 & PS4 issues
Day one 1.4GB patch causing problems
PC version of GTA 5 requires more time
Want to ensure that it is as polished as possible
GTA V to get updated this week
Will bring a number of new things