Intel confirms XMM 7480 for this year
iPhone 7s / 8 modem stops at 450 Mbps
Fudzilla found a chatty person at the Intel booth and have learned that the Intel XMM 7480 modem will ship later this year. In the light of recent legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm, this could spark a rumor that Apple is preparing to use the modem in the 2017 iPhone that someone calls iPhone 8 or 7s.

3G phones piling up
Can’t shift them any more
It is starting to look like customers are giving up on 3G phones, even in India where they are cheap reliable work horses which normally get a signal.

Snapdragon 835 expected to exceed 820 design wins
Very high interest
Qualcomm shared with us a few interesting facts about the Snapdragon 835. You can expect that many high-end smartphones will end up with this chip inside, as industry players are very interested.

Qualcomm gets the Volkswagen automotive deal
Scores world’s biggest car manufacturer
One of the most surprising announcements at the CES 2017 show was the announcement from both Volkswagen and Qualcomm that these two companies will work together on the connectivity of VW cars as well as on the way to implement the Qualcomm self-driving Snapdragon 820A platform in future cars.

European iPhone 7 has an Intel or Qualcomm modem
Exclusive: iPhone 7 Plus too
Fudzilla has already written a long article on the iPhone 7 with Intel and Qualcomm chipset that affects USA customers but it turns out that at least some parts of the European Union will get an Intel and Qualcomm based iPhone 7 too. We recommend you to read that earlier piece as the modem performance will affect your overall iPhone 7 experience.

Samsung prepares for LTE MIMO 4X4 infrastructure
Shipping in Q4, Note 7 supports it
Qualcomm has been very vocal about 4x4 LTE MIMO and its support for this standard. Samsung is preparing to start shipping its LTE infrastructure in Q4 16 and we also learned that the Galaxy Note 7 also supports 4x4 LTE MIMO.

iPhone SE has Qualcomm LTE modem
Industry insiders confirmed
Contrary to our previous reports we got a tip that iPhone SE will continue using Qualcomm modems and not change to Intel.

Samsung Connect Auto provides LTE to road passengers
Available on AT&T in Q2 2016
On the eve of Mobile World Congress 2016, Samsung announced a new automotive device enabling all passengers of a moving vehicle to connect to nearby available ultra-fast LTE networks. The device is aimed at providing a convenient way for owners of older cars to add LTE connectivity to their vehicles for anyone using a mobile device and not sitting behind the wheel.

AT&T 5G LTE field trials start in Q2 2016
Deployment by 2020
AT&T, the second largest wireless carrier in the United States (as of Q4 2015) and the nation’s second largest advertiser (as of Q1 2016), has just announced that it will begin trials of fifth-generation 5G LTE service later this summer, with the possibility of limited commercial deployments in the first months of 2017.

Qualcomm announces 1 Gbps X16 modem
14nm, available in 2H 2016
Qualcomm has finally launched what it thinks will be the next milestone in the LTE modem speed – a Gigabit Class LTE Chipset with download speeds of up to 1 Gbps.