Watch Dogs is an ambitious title from the start as Ubisoft claims that they want to deliver something that really shows off the next-generation of gaming and of course this takes development time. Many on the other hand have whispered that Ubisoft could have been ready to release sooner, but didn’t want to have it interfere with the release of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. We think it could have been a little of both.
What we are hearing now is that Watch Dogs will make a spring release as announced with the third week of March seeming to be the week that Ubisoft is expected to confirm. If true then we would be looking at a March 18th release in North America and a March 21st release in Europe. While some have already jumped on this date, it could turn out to be nothing but a place holder as an official date has yet to be confirmed.
We will have to wait and see what happens, but a late March release could help fill the after the holiday launch blues with so few next-generation titles being released for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. If it turns out that Watch Dogs lives up to the billing, it could be quite a success for Ubisoft.