Published in Gaming

Has Prey 2 been cancelled?

by on26 March 2012


Bethesda has no comment

A number of sources are whispering to us that Bethesda has apparently cancelled Prey 2. The game, which has been in development for some time at Human Head Studios, is going to be dropped. According to our sources (which seems to be confirmed by other reports circulating on the Internet) Bethesda will make an official announcement at some point next week.

Right now, Bethesda has no comment on the status of Prey 2. The fact that Bethesda isn’t saying anything does not mean anything. It would seem, however, that Bethesda does have a track record with these cancellation rumors, with a mega rumor last year that DOOM 4 had been canceled by the publisher. Later, Bethesda issued a statement saying that DOOM 4 had not been cancelled.

We will just have to wait and see how this plays out, but it is likely that we are going to hear something next week one way or the other.

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