Published in Gaming

Sony does DLC deal with Ubisoft

by on24 October 2013

Only for Assassin’s Creed IV & Watch Dogs

Sony has been able to secure a deal with Ubisoft to make the DLC as well as special game play exclusive to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 for both Assassin’s Creed IV and Watch Dogs. The length of the exclusivity is only apparently six months.

While no one is talking about the future for other consoles once Sony’s six month exclusivity is at an end, but it is unknown if Ubisoft will release the DLC for both Microsoft and Nintendo platforms once the agreement is at an end or not. We suspect that a lot will factor into this decision and Ubisoft will likely wait a bit before deciding what their plan is going to be.

As for the deal, it comes as little surprise as Microsoft has been able to secure DLC exclusivity for a limited amount of time in the past. In the past the exclusive content was later released on other platforms, but it was not something that didn’t take a little time to happen.

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