Published in Graphics

AMD / Nvidia to launch notebook rebrands

by on07 November 2011

New names, old tech

We don’t have much more details that this, but don’t get surprised when you see some new names in notebook graphics world.

Some names that might include something like Geforce GT560 with a slight spec change compared to currently shipping GT555M are in the works and they are possibly coming this year, so this or next month. This is just an example as we don’t know the actual names, just the fact that there will be a few new brands.

We can also confirm that new names will M13x generation where M stands for Mobile, 13 for thirteenth generation and x is a variable with E (Enthusiast), M (Mainstream) L (low end). This is still Geforce 500 series part but how knows maybe Nvidia decides to brand them Geforce 600 series as they did this in the past. D13E is Geforce 580 desktop, just to try to make things a bit more clear.

This is the last push before Ivy Bridge launches March / April time, when we expect to see new Nvidia GK600 series (Geforce Kepler 6th generation) series and Mobility Radeon 7000 28nm chips.

We don’t know much about AMD Radeon rebrands but as it’s the case with “new” Nvidia chips, we expect some slight changes but still the same old 40nm cores.

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