Apple starts to panic over Fortnite ruling
Published in Mobiles

Already loosening up restrictions

Fruity cargo cult Apple seems to be panicking that a court will rule against its glorious app store business model and is trying to loosen things up.

Only Apple is invulnerable to chip shortage
Published in News
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:00

Only Apple is invulnerable to chip shortage

Which only hurts its rivals

While the chip shortage is canning Apple’s rivals, the fruity cargo cult is laughing all the way to the bank, according to a new report from Wave7.

Apple admits spying on users' email since 2019
Published in News

More embarrassment from the antitrust court case

While fruity cargo cult Apple was lecturing the world about user privacy it was secretly scanning iCloud Mail for kiddie porn without telling anyone.

Apple admits it is a great platform for distributing child porn
Published in News

Gotta be the best at everything

Fruity cargo cult Apple’s anti-fraud chief Eric Friedman admitted the company is the “greatest platform for distributing child porn”.

Apple stuffs up a small update
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 23 August 2021 12:15

Apple stuffs up a small update

Well, it is software what do you expect?

The fruity cargo cult Apple has created a major headache for fanboys with a small update.

Apple delays forcing its staff back into the office
Published in News

Claims that the delta variant is to blame

Fruity cargo cult Apple has once again delayed a move to drag its drones back into the spaceship to receive programming from middle managers and attend endless meetings.

Apple censors apps to favour Chinese politicians
Published in News

All part of the service

Apple routinely censors references to Chinese politicians, dissidents and other topics in its engraving service.

Freedom of the Press Foundation wades into Apple
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All those Tame Apple Press reporters could be vulnerable

While Apple has the unanalysed love of most of the press, the Freedom of the Press Foundation is worried they could be invulnerable due to Jobs’ Mob’s scanning of its iCloud.

Apple must pay $300 million in patent case
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Loses Optis case

Fruity cargo cult Apple did not invent the technology used in its iPhones, iPads, and Watches and flouted technology developed by Optis, a court has ruled.

Apple staff concerned about Jobs' Mob monitoring
Published in News

We thought we didn't do that sort of thing

Apple's move to scan its cloud for kiddie porn has managed to upset Apple staff who are concerned that the outfit is breaking its own privacy policies.