Published in Mobiles

Exploding cellphone battery kills Chinese man

by on04 February 2009


Shortly after charging


A Chinese man in his twenties was killed when his cellphone battery exploded shortly after he had recharged it.

The man worked as a shop assistant at a computer shop in Guangzhou, and according to his coworkers, died after the freshly recharged phone exploded in his breast pocket. The explosion severed a major artery in his neck, with tragic consequences.

One of his coworkers said that the man had recently replaced his cellphone battery, and authorities have not been able to determine the model of the battery which caused the incident.

This is the ninth reported case of cellphone explosions in China in the past seven years, and unfortunately, it's not the first one to have a lethal outcome. Back in June 2007, a 22-year-old welder was killed after his cellphone exploded, also in his chest pocket.

More here.

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