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First glimpse at Nvision

by on25 August 2008


Nvision 2008:
3D stereo, Intel, Ray tracing and COD5

We wanted to share some first glipmses on Nvision, Nvidia's higly anticipated show. The show officially starts today in some two plus hours, but we already heard that Jensen will mention Intel,  announcement of "Force within," its comeback to sterescopic 3D driver; and let's not forget SLI, PhysX and CUDA.

Force withing is Nvidia's new stunt that we will try to cover a bit more. The second big thing Nvidia plans to talk is Raytracing, and at the same time Nvidia's CPU (not a typo) is expected to spend some significant time talking about, who else but Intel.

The sterescopic 3D driver runs some hot, to be announced games such are Spore, Call of Duty 5, Race Driver Grid, Devil May Cry 4, and Unreal Tournament 3. Stay tuned, there will be more shortly.
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Last modified on 26 August 2008
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