Published in News

Siebel Systems founder mauled by elephant

by on04 September 2009


Better than a shareholders' meeting

The founder
of Siebel Systems, Tom Siebel is recovering from being mauled by an elephant.

This is not a normal Silicon Valley occurrence as elephants are not that common in California and most entrepreneurs only have to worry about stabbing themselves with a pen or having a heart attack from drinking too many cappuccinos. Siebel, 56, was on Safari, in the Serengeti not on a Macbook, when the Elephant charged the party, squashed a tour guide and then attacked him.

Siebel said that it elettacked him, breaking several ribs, goring him in his left leg and crushing his right leg. Apparently the elephant didn't like the look of the American geeks who were 200 metres away when it saw them. He has been in a wheelchair but says he expects to make a full recovery after reconstructive surgery and physical therapy.

Siebel can afford the medical bills. He is estimated to be worth $US1.9 billion after he flogged his company to Oracle for billions. It is the second time that Siebel has fallen foul of an elephant. In the 2008 US presidential election campaign he backed the Republicans whose party is symbolised by an elephant. They had him organising fundraising for the party's vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.

More here.

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