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Google Hacker forces investigation into five gymnasts

by on26 September 2008


Underage scandal widens

The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has launched an investigation into allegations that five Chinese gymnasts were underaged during the Sydney Olympics.

The investigation follows the revelations from Mike Walker, a security consultant with Washington, DC-based Intrepidus Group, and Heather Lawver, who found out the ages of the athletes by looking up doctored documents on Google. He Kexin, who won two gold medals, is being investigated over claims she broke rules introduced in 1997 to prevent the exploitation of underaged gymnasts .

They had to be at least 16-years old in the year the Olympics are held. Walker, writing under the pseudonym Stryde Hax, published details of official documents indicating He Kexin was born on January 1, 1994 and therefore only 14 years old.

On Monday, Walker and Lawver posted a subtitled video and a transcript of a video where the gymnast admitted being ten at the Athens Olympic games.

He called on his readers to demand that the matter be dealt with properly in order to uphold the integrity of the Olympics.

Last modified on 27 September 2008
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