Published in Reviews

Sapphire HD 5830 in gallop

by on25 February 2010


The packaging is similar to the rest of Sapphire’s HD 5800 offer – large.


Instead of its “toxic” girls, this time around Sapphire made sure that Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 2 stands out as soon as you glance at the box, and naturally, the game comes with the card. Note that this is not the boxed version, but rather a coupon that will allow for downloading the game from Steam. You can learn more on that from the coupon.


Within the package you’ll find a sturdy cardboard box that will make sure your card is safe and sound.


Apart from the game, the package contents are standard. The card features all the newer outs, but in case you require VGA, Sapphire ships an adapter as well.



Last modified on 26 February 2010
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