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Published in Gaming

Wii slowdown was just a blip

by on06 January 2010


In December, 3 milion units sold in the US

Although much was made of the news that the Wii demand is slowing down, with some even suggesting more drastic outcomes, Nintendo has managed to bounce back with some pretty impressive figures.

Although official NPD Group results aren’t due until January 14th, Nintendo already announced that the company expects 3 million units sold in the US. in December. The same month in 2008 racked up 2.15 million units sold, so this is more than a nice feat for the company.

Nintendo’s head man, Satory Iwata said how such sales are a direct result of a stronger software lineup and pricecuts. However, Mr. Iwata also wisely added that he can’t use words like “revival” and “recovery” before making sure that this trend will continue and that they “can maintain this momentum”. 

Last modified on 06 January 2010
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